Create and Experience. That's All Folks!

I've been thinking about this for awhile now.  I've been going through some internal struggles and it has taken me some time to figure it out.  Since I'm a chronic "thinker" and worse, a numbers guy, I tried really hard to apply my superior intellect and logic to solve my problem.  It only made it worse.  You know, the whole Einstein quote about trying to solve a problem with the same line of thinking that created the problem.  Anyhoo, I had created an experience that sucked.  I was so deep in the trees, there was no way I could see the forest.  Once I realized this, I was able to step back to change my experience by creating a new one.  

If you are not tracking, lets say I stayed up late and awoke early, so now I'm tired.  I created being tired, and now I'm experiencing being tired. I can change this tired experience by creating the experience of getting a cup of coffee.  The trick is I have to create the change.  I have to either get in my car and drive to a coffee shop or put grounds and water into my coffee maker.  It takes some effort to create a new experience.  Just standing there in my kitchen holding an empty coffee mug isn't going to change my tired experience.  

Fine.  But now you ask, "What is a stock guy talking about creating and experiencing for?"  I'm discussing this because the stock market is an extension of our daily living.  Sure you can put blinking lights and bells on it, like watching any of the mind-numbing business networks on T.V., but that aside, life and the capital markets is about adjusting to new information as it comes.  I can plan ahead, but I also must remain flexible to new information.  You see, I don't know what tomorrow will bring.  I do know that if I accept and take responsibility for everything that happens to me, than I am in control.  In many cases I'm not in control of the outcome, but that's okay because I do control what I create.  Once I was able to understand this, shocker, my experience became much better. 

While this is a very complex issue, and I'm sure there have been plenty of books written on the subject, when we find ourselves in adverse conditions it is like the blinders come on.  It is like our brain constricts and drastically limits the existence of other possibilities.  I'm sure there are many situations in which our minds become completely immobilized.  The trick is to think differently and develop a mind-set that doesn't allow you to become susceptible to blame.  Once you get in the blame game it is all over.  You've given up your control to create a new and perhaps more enjoyable experience.  

Create and Experience.  That's all there is to life...and the stock market!  Easy.

P. Franklin, Jr.

May 12th, 2017

*Full disclosure - I am massively, leveraged long in taking responsibility for all of my actions!

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